Tenex Procedure
The Tenex procedure is a non-surgical procedure that helps patients who are suffering from chronic tendon pain by removing damaged scar tissue on the tendons. This procedure, developed by Tenex Health, is particularly effective on the tendons of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and ankle injuries. Conditions treated include tennis elbow/golfers elbow, rotator cuff tendonitis, Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee), Achilles tendonitis, and Plantar fascitis.
Tendon pain is typically caused by repetitive strain injury of sports and exercise. The Tenex procedure is known in medical terminology as focused aspiration of scar tissue, percutaneous tenotomy, and percutaneous fasciotomy. This is medical jargon for use a needle to remove the damaged portion of the tendon while preserving the rest of the tendon.
Ideal candidates have sought prior treatment, including injections, rest, immobilization, and physical therapy with no pain relief. The Tenex procedure offers patients a non-surgical option that is faster than traditional surgeries, creates a smaller incision resulting in less scarring, and allows for a quicker and less painful recovery.
What is the Tenex procedure?
The Tenex procedure is a non-surgical procedure that helps patients who are suffering from chronic tendon pain by removing damaged scar tissue on the tendons. This procedure, developed by Tenex Health, is particularly effective on the tendons of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and ankle injuries. Conditions treated include tennis elbow/golfer's elbow, rotator cuff tendonitis, Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee), Achilles tendonitis, and Plantar fasciitis.
Tendon pain is typically caused by repetitive strain injury from sports and exercise. The Tenex procedure is known in medical terminology as focused aspiration of scar tissue, percutaneous tenotomy, and percutaneous fasciotomy. This is medical jargon for using a needle to remove the damaged portion of the tendon while preserving the rest of the tendon.
Ideal candidates have sought prior treatment, including injections, rest, immobilization, and physical therapy with no pain relief. The Tenex procedure offers patients a non-surgical option that is faster than traditional surgeries, creates a smaller incision resulting in less scarring, and allows for a quicker and less painful recovery. There are many published studies on its safety and effectiveness with more research ongoing.
Tenex Procedure Benefits:
Minimally invasive treatment for chronic tendon injuries
No scarring
No risks from the complications of surgery and general anesthesia
Restores normal tendon by removing tissue
A small incision is made along the affected area
The Tenex tool is inserted into the area to break up the damaged tissue
Instead of applying stitches, the incision is closed using a bandaid
Patients generally experience a recovery period of four to six weeks
Most patients say they feel little to no pain during the Tenex treatments